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Integrating Physiotherapy into Your Prenatal Care
Pregnancy, a time of beautiful transformation, can often feel like a jumbled choreography of hormonal shifts, physical changes, and emotional highs and lows.
But fear not! Just as a skilled dancer learns to move with poise, you too can glide through the stages of motherhood with ease, armed with the secret weapon of physiotherapy!
Winter is a Time of Rest and Recovery
There are many different kinds of rest your brain and body need to feel whole and function at their best. As the darker days and cooler temps set in, remember that this time of year - which so many of us dread - presents an excellent opportunity to build a little more rest into our routines.
The Link Between Gut Health + Autoimmune Conditions
If it seems like you know more women than men who are impacted by autoimmune diseases, you’re not imagining it. Current statistics estimate that women account for a whopping 78% of the roughly two million Canadians who suffer from autoimmune diseases.
Gut Health is FOUNDATIONAL to Hormonal Health
You have a digestive system. You have a reproductive system. You might visit a gastroenterologist when you experience abdominal discomfort. You probably visit a gynecologist for reproductive concerns. But the truth is that these two distinct systems are not unrelated.
Setting Up Support For When the Baby Is Born
I know a few things to be true. One is that it is virtually impossible to know how you will feel about being a new mom until you bring that baby home. Two is that you should always ask for help when you need it.
Burned Out? It May Be Human Giver Syndrome!
Once in a while, a book comes along that resonates so much you want to shout from the rooftops that everyone else should read it too. For us, one of those books is Burnout, The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski.
Women’s Life Stages and Easing the Transitions Between Them
We all experience life transitions. They may correlate with our age and stage of life, like perimenopause when we go through significant biological changes, or with milestones - like entering adulthood, forming relationships, motherhood, divorce, empty nesting, retirement, or loss.
Menstrual Cycle and Hormones
Our bodies are always talking to us. As a women’s health professional, it is my passion to listen to women and their health stories to identify a pattern with the signs and symptoms so I can help her feel her best. I also believe in empowerment, which is why I’m outlining some information that every menstruating woman should know, so that you can take charge of your own wellness.
You Don’t Have to Live with Pelvic Pain!
One in five adults are living with chronic pelvic pain. As a pelvic health therapist, that statistic pains me. Because no matter how severe that pelvic pain is, there are natural ways we can alleviate it - or even relieve it all together.
How to Heal a Sensitized Nervous System
Many of our clients walk through our doors for the first time without knowing what a sensitized nervous system is or how it relates to the levels of pain we experience. With an estimated 7.63 million, or one in four Canadians aged 15 or older, living with chronic pain, it seems like we should be talking more about the root causes of pain.
Pain, the Central Nervous System, and the Chiropractor…
Pain. So many of us live with it. Sometimes because we’ve been living with it for so long, it has become a part of us. Sometimes because we don’t believe there’s anything else out there that can actually make a difference.
Lifestyle Medicine for Optimal Prenatal Health
Since the start of the pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression have been going up at an alarming rate. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, ancestry, etc. That’s why it’s more important now than ever before to pay attention to your mental health, to know the signs of depression and anxiety, and to build some self-care for mental health into your daily routines.
Functional Nutrition for a Fabulous Pregnancy
Famed American midwife Ina May Gaskin says it quite clearly in her childbirth guide: “Gardeners know that you must nourish the soil if you want healthy plants. You must water the plants adequately, especially when seeds are germinating and sprouting, and they should be planted in a nutrient-rich soil. Why should nutrition matter less in the creation of young humans than it does in young plants? I'm sure that it doesn't.
Benefits of Prenatal Physiotherapy
Pregnancy, labour, and delivery are so unpredictable, aren’t they? Some women sail through 40 weeks with a smile on their face while others suffer from nausea, heartburn, and sciatica with little relief. Birth can go any which way – a little early, a little late, induction or impromptu, long or absurdly long, vaginal or caesarean. Whatever way it happens, the only constant is that it rarely goes the way you plan or imagine it.
Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness Values YOU
It was passion that fueled the creation of Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness. What started out with one woman and a commitment to health has grown into an integrative healthcare clinic that fosters community, empowerment, and collaboration.
Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness Values YOU
The Taking Care of Your Mental Health Toolkit
Since the start of the pandemic, rates of anxiety and depression have been going up at an alarming rate. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, ancestry, etc. That’s why it’s more important now than ever before to pay attention to your mental health, to know the signs of depression and anxiety, and to build some self-care for mental health into your daily routines.
How To Maintain Your Postpartum Mental Health
When my second child was born, I was completely unprepared for the postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety that quickly set in. It changed me, it changed my journey through motherhood, and it changed my career. All of a sudden, my understanding of the postnatal mental health challenges so many women face expanded – and we don’t talk about them enough.